Saturday, December 1, 2007

I need to dispel an ugly rumor...

Recently, a lot of folks have been talking about how they feel my blog, along with our sister-site, CD22 Watcher, are pieces of anonymous campaign advocacy written by staff of Dean Hrbacek. And since that would be illegal, I need to do something quickly to help quiet those claims.

Now true, the early posts were extremely Pro-Hrbacek (like this one and this one, for example), and others were extremely hostile to the other leading candidates (like this one and this one). But I bet if I post something relatively nice about one of the other lesser-known candidates, that will shut everyone up!

So here goes:

Jim Squier isn't the most horrible man on the planet. And he has a website. And unlike frontrunners Shelley Gibbs and Pete Olson, Squier is good Christian man who doesn't torture puppies or steal from the collection plate. Which is more than I can say for Gibbs or Olson.

And that's not the only positive words we have for other candidates. Robert Talton has a beautiful head of hair. And John Manlove has mostly given up his heroin habit.

See? We're as neutral as Switzerland.

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