Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hot Plate?

Some assorted evil-doers, who are working
16-hour days and destroying America...

Those sharp journalistas over at CD22 Watcher (who are not in any way connected to the Dean Hrbacek for Congress Campaign) bring us a report on a very special moment in our culture war: It seems that pinko liberal Mexican-huggers are trying their best to halt our efforts at destroying the rather outdated Civil Rights Act of 1964! I'm sure Nick Lampson is somehow involved...

Right now, we live under a liberal regime of injustice. Did you know I cannot fire someone because they don't speak English unless is it necessary to their job? It's true! As a small business owner myself (mail order tortas), I can fire someone for speaking Spanish ONLY if it affects their job performance!

You know, sometimes I'll open the triple-locks to the basement and wander on down to check on my workforce. And it infuriates me to hear them speaking that weird Moon-Man talk. And I know they're talking about me!

It's insidious. Just because the busboy at Denny's doesn't need to speak English to do his job doesn't make his presence any less offensive. It makes me so mad (and scared), but we can't do anything about it until it actually affects their job performance. Next thing you know, those commies will force me to hire women.

And to think of all those politicians wasting valuable time talking about non-issues like the health care crisis, a counter-productive foreign policy, impending climate change, dastardly corruption, a dysfunctional housing market, a broken school system, and an approaching recession...

They cannot see the forest for the trees! We have a real crisis in this country.

¿Usted comprende?

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